Installing solar power systems on roofs of education and welfare buildings reduces the amount of fossil fuels burnt for producing electricity
Solar panels are the most economic and sustainable power source, but Israel produces a mere 10% of its consumption from solar power. Sunlight is a never-ending, clean and local source of energy. Due to rising demand over the last decade, and albeit the newly discovered natural gas deposits in the Mediterranean – solar power is the CHEAPEST source of electricity in Israel today!
Installing a solar system is a worthy investment demanding capital, a sizeable roof – and a focused, pragmatic foot on the pedal. Boarding-schools, youth-villages, welfare institutions, community centers and schools generally have the necessary roofs and infrastructure. Nevertheless – the money needed for investing, and mainly the administrative focus necessary to reach an approved grid-connected solar system prevent such institutes from joining the solar revolution, and from producing all or most of the own power demand.
The SUN STROKE project uses a focused approach, professional technical expertise, and a worthy subsidy that moves public institutions to purchase and connect solar systems on their rooftops. The project reaps the expected environmental and financial savings.
We’ve installed a solar capacity of more than 6000 kW (6mW) on the roofs of Ilan and Akim organizations, Ben-Shemen, Neve-Hadassa, and Kfar Galim youth villages, Ilanot drug-habilitation center, Peqi’in, Mate-Asher and Rahat local municipalities, and sports grounds in Lod.
Contact: Assaf Shahar