Separation of food leftovers from elementary Bedouin schools for feeding domestic animals
Pupils at separating food leftovers
Rabha Elkarnawi is guiding the pupils in the project
A pupil feeding her household chickens with the school's leftovers
Separating food leftovers at Beduin Elementary schools
The National Nutrition Project provides subsidized meals to Bedouin elementary school students as part of the policy of extending the school day in the periphery. The “Haram” project operates a system to separate the food leftovers of approximately 40,000 students in 750 classes. Every day a student on duty is responsible for taking the class’s organic waste container home for feeding farm animals and pets. Each class separates an average of 3.5 kg of organic waste per day. The entire project prevents the transportation and landfill of approximately 2.5 tons per day, which are returned as food for the circle of life.
Contact: Yifat Boneh info@goodenergy.org.il