The Good Energy Initiative (GEI) is a non-profit social enterprise for climate change. The initiative was founded in 2006 by Eyal Biger, and has been working ever since with the aim of increasing human commitment to protecting the environment. Over the years, the initiative develops unique projects that demonstrate the social, economic, and environmental viability of implementing practical ecology. The projects are designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fixate carbon dioxide – while achieving social benefits.
The initiative promotes practical and creative solutions relevant to private companies and industries, local authorities and educational and social institutions. The projects work with renewable energy, smart waste management, urban tree planting, regenerative agriculture, and marine restoration. Some of our solutions become an adopted policy by the government, local authorities, and entrepreneurs.
We work with Good Energy to enhance sustainable movements that expose people’s hearts and minds to environmental issues. When required, we also resist bad energy. We led the coalition against the production of oil shales in the Ellah Valley, our home base. Read more.
We received a unique and beautiful world – to manage and maintain, to nurture and reserve.
We’re doing our humble part in this mission, with faith and considerable pleasure.
Biodiesel from Falafel oil
Heschel Centre for Sustainability
GEI Foundation!
First offsetting project
Earth hour
‘What a Waste’ project begins
Kol Dodi project
COP 15 Copenhagen
David and Goliath
First urban tree planting
Dizengoff Centre roof
"Haram" Waste project begins
Biochar project
Sunstroke projects begins
"Saving Chocolate" project
Planting the first "Climate Forest" plot
"Song of the Grasses" project
"Song of the Sea" survey begins
Goals & Principles

Following the principles of social carbon offsetting
2. Social Carbon Projects: Our work intends to achieve social benefits by recognizing that the solution to environmental problems consists of changing human behavior rather than just improving technologies. We focus on bringing together people, technology and public awareness. The beneficiaries of our projects include peripheral communities, residents of disadvantaged neighborhoods, needed children, youth villages, and others.

Respecting environmental ethics and responsible economy
2. Turning waste from a nuisance into a resource: we find creative ways to separate and exploit waste in the domestic, business, and industrial zones – by turning it into energy, animal feed and soil fertilizers.
3. Maintaining open spaces: Demographic growth threatens Israel's already limited open spaces (natural and agricultural). Preserving the limited open spaces in the urban areas that house about 92% is certainly important and provide life quality and priceless happiness.

Increasing public awareness to environmental issues and practical ecology

Reinforcing the commitment to the environment in the business sector
We pave the way for companies to invest more of their financial profits in the environment.